Ouroboros Plugins

  • Neuroglancer Plugin

    • Embeds Neuroglancer as a page in the app.
    • Supports loading from and saving to JSON configuration files in Ouroboros's File Explorer.
    • Has additional features like fullscreen mode and screenshots.
  • Assisted Automatic Segmentation Plugin

    • Coming Soon!
    • Based on Segment Anything, it attempts to automatically segment the ROI.
      • Benefits from the assumption that the desired structure is centered in each slice.
    • Supports human input via bounding boxes and positive or negative annotations.

Installing a Plugin

  1. Open the Plugin Manager: File > Manage Plugins.
  2. Press the Plus Icon
  3. Paste the GitHub URL of the plugin.
  4. Press Download (Ouroboros downloads and installs the plugin for you)

Where are plugins installed? In the appData/ouroboros folder. This folder is different on each OS.

Creating a Plugin

See the template README for more information.